Award Winning Speaker Author Actor Musician

A victim of the infamous morning sickness medication, Thalidomide, Alvin was born without arms in 1960. By five days of age, his own family abandoned him leaving him in the hospital in the care of a social worker who was the only person who didn’t write him off.

What happened next is the riveting story Alvin has shared with over 2,000,000 people on five continents in over 7,500 events from the youngest to the oldest people alive. He also has extremely rare credentials.

A Certified Speaking Professional, a designation owned by less than seven percent of professional speakers worldwide. He is a best selling author of Alvin’s Laws Of Life…5 Steps to Successfully Overcome Anything! He is actually in not one, but Two Halls of Fame. The Canadian Professional Speakers and the Canadian Disability Foundation each inducted him for his remarkable achievements and the epitome of resiliency and determination.

Alvin loves to use his story as proof that “Attitude” is so much more than an overused word. As another cliche goes…It Is Everything! In fact, science is even acknowledging that it changes our internal body chemistry and is the key to winning the battle with mental health that has become such an important issue in our world. Alvin should know. He began his life with the odds stacked completely against him.

He has an actual Emmy award for a short feature film on ABC-TV in America. He played a credited role on the hit TV show, X-Files, and a film by renowned director Harmony Korine called Julien…Donkey Boy (Yes, it was weird). He’s also appeared on over 100 telethons and since 1976, had been directly involved in raising over $225,000,000 for charity.

In Canada, he’s been the subject of several award winning, nationally broadcast documentaries. And a remarkable new highlight: A feature on the fastest growing personal development platform on the internet, Goalcast, has over 40,000,000 views on Facebook alone. Entitled “What’s Your Label?”, it focuses on what Alvin believes was his biggest life challenge…stigma. Not only did Alvin “Change His Label” from Victim to Victor, but is described by critics as being one of the most Relatable Speakers in the Industry!

Alvin uses his incredible true story to challenge every audience on a personal level. People who actually heard him as long as forty years ago describe him as the most memorable speaker they’ve ever experienced. But most important, he’s completely effective at getting audiences to rewrite the negative stories they tell themselves about themselves; to stop feeling like victims seeking blame and becoming accountable for their own outcomes. To stop making excuses and start making new choices.

His unique fusion of storytelling, musical performances (he’s a world class multi-instrument player) and down-to-earth humour connect with audiences at an intimate, intense and individual level.

Alvin and his wife and business partner, Darlene, live in beautiful Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


Select videos from stage and screen


Anyone can speak. When Alvin speaks he can change hearts and minds


Alvin and his message cut through the noise of every day. He has a mission to inspire people to live without limits.


Greatest talks connect on many levels. Fun and Transformative. Exciting and Insightful.


Years and decades later people remember Alvin and his message and continue to be inspired.


Adaptable workforces are key to long-term success. Inspire your team. Supercharge success.


Inspiring a better future begins with our youth and lasts a lifetime. Today’s children create tomorrow’s world.


More than ever those who help, heal and volunteer are in demand. Recognize and recharge this valuable resource.

In Person

Flood the room with Alvin’s incredible energy and watch as everyone goes on a journey of inspiration.


Technology lets us adapat, we can still come together, even when all spread out. Share the inspiration from anywhere.


When the message has to get out, but we can’t all get together , we can still all be inspired and transformed.

What Leaders and Audiences Are Saying About Alvin

A seismic mindshift took place…

I’m not a huge fan of motivational speakers – I firmly believe that you can’t impose motivation on others, it has to come from inside them. Alvin owns his own motivation, and ignites it in others because he models the behaviour he speaks about. He lives it every day. He doesn’t tell people to change – they want to change after seeing him.


Paul Bridle
– CEO, Excellence Squared Ltd.
Read the full case study to see how Alvin helped Paul turn a failing company around and get his people on board for change.

Alvin is a genius. He is one of the most relatable speakers I have ever heard. When Alvin started to speak, he quickly became “one of us”. He made us laugh, he made us cry, he made us think. Most importantly Alvin helped us understand that we become what we pay attention to.  I love this guy.

Terry Small
– The Brain Guy

As a member of the Academy of Chief Executives, I’ve seen Alvin speak several times; as Chairman, I’ve also brought him in as a speaker.
I still feel like I want to hear more. We recently brought him in for a 3-hour session, and he could have easily filled 8 hours…

There are tons of subject matter experts – it’s not difficult to find 10 speakers on conflict management or marketing, for example – but there’s only one Alvin. How many speakers can make a room full of CEO’s quit whining and get on with it? He is a powerful storyteller and although his circumstances are unique, his story is universal.  He forces you to reflect on your own mental boundaries, and you end up thinking “well, what’s my excuse?” He takes away any excuse you’ve got!

Alvin doesn’t offer platitudes or canned motivational jargon – he speaks from his life, and you can’t deny the truth of what he says because there he is, living that truth in front of you. All of our members found him awe-inspiring and motivational… and they’re not an easy group to impress.

I’ve seen well over a hundred speakers, and I can’t imagine anyone from any walk of life who wouldn’t benefit from hearing Alvin’s story. Once you hear him, you’re changed for the better – his message sticks with you, and you’re a lot less likely to suffer under your own self-imposed limitations or obstacles. He’s a genuine, funny and relatable speaker. Alvin is not a nice-to-have. He’s a must-have.

Kevin Kerley
– Chairman of the Academy for Chief Executives


I saw Alvin speak at an Association conference, and he blew me away. Based on that, I hired him to come in and speak to my managers and staff on our training day. He also generously offered to speak at a school in our high-needs neighbourhood. So I’ve seen him speak 3 times, to 3 very different audiences: board members, employees, and primary school children.

Each time he spoke, it felt like the first time he was saying any of it. After 3 times, his presentation still felt fresh and real, never canned or rehearsed. He crafted his story and his message directly to the specific audience, and each time they were in awe. Age, income level, background – none of that mattered. Alvin hit home with each and every one of them.


Alvin is not your typical motivational speaker – he’s an experience, and one you remember long afterward. He bypasses all your usual resistance and speaks directly to your heart. He’s genuine, a human being telling a powerful, real story that you can’t help but recognize and relate to. He’s not promoting himself or promoting a book – he’s not promoting anything other than life. You’ll never get better value from a speaker, or a more genuine, impactful presentation.

Herb Pirk
– General Manager, Oakdale Golf & Country Club


“I want to thank you and all of the people responsible for putting the program together for bringing Alvin Law in to speak to us yesterday.  His provided the most powerful message that I have ever heard from a public speaker.  He is an incredibly gifted presenter with a meaningful message for every Canadian.  I was very pleased to be a part of the audience.  

As a speaker myself I was blown away by his effective use of humour, his timing, his confidence and his ability to target his audience with a message that had the appearances of being crafted exclusively for dealers and staff.


Mark Cullen
– CTV, Canada AM/680 News/Toronto Star/monthly newsletter and more


I wanted to thank you for the excellent presentation at the Husky Safety Summit.  Your story and open presence on the stage was inspirational in many ways. As a Safety hand for 30 years, it is very refreshing to see a presentation that was able to hit home with all in attendance.

Duane Goretzky
– Safety Advisor, Husky Energy


Alvin did an exceptional job opening the Fraser Valley Economic Summit.  He was entertaining, inspiring, and made his message relevant to the theme of the day.  The delegates loved him, and the organizing committee was thrilled with what he brought to the event.  I can’t imagine anyone who would have done a better job opening our event and setting the tone for the day!”

Justin P. Goodrich, Managing Partner,
Alliance Public & Government Relations


The Championship Team’s event, Imagining Your Future, was a tremendous success.  We received very positive feedback from the youth in attendance and there was a great deal of excitement around your speech.  When students were asked to identify their favourite part of the day, the overwhelming majority answered that your speech was the best part.  Thank you so much for sharing your experience and wisdom; the youth in attendance were moved, inspired and motivated by your words.

M. Donohue
– Ottawa Crown Ward Education Championship Team


“Fantastic!”  “Outstanding!”  “He’s the most inspiring speaker I’ve ever heard!”  These are just a  few of the comments that I have been hearing since you spoke, Alvin.  Thank you so very much for coming to our school.  Our kids really responded so well to your message.  I am certain these students will never forget your visit.

C. Grimstead
– Forest Lawn Senior High School


Thank you for being a keynote speaker at the 2009 AME Annual Conference in Covington, Kentucky.  It was very important to get the Conference started on a good note.  That is why we selected you to be the first keynote speaker.  We were not disappointed.  You certainly delivered a great start to the Conference.

J. Rizzo
– 2009 AME Annual Conference Chair


We knew that your LIFE LESSONS keynote message would be great, but it was more than great, it was FABULOUS!  From the minute you started speaking, the audience was captivated.  Your humor, honesty, transparency and well-founded principles were evident throughout your presentation entitled “The Power We Possess”.  

The audience responded to your enthusiastic, fast paced, humorous yet power packed presentation.  We could have heard a pin drop as you pulled back the curtain to let us peek inside your life, your struggles, your learning along with your phenomenal achievements.  But more importantly you encouraged the audience to tap into the same power available in their own lives.


C. Stanwick
– North Calgary Community Church


I felt inclined to let you know that your presentation made at the CAAR Convention this past Wednesday was the most inspirational I have ever heard.  Not only is your message of inspiration wonderful, but your delivery of the message is done so well.  Your positive spirit absolutely exudes off the stage.

D. Fitzegerald
– ISK Biosciences Corporation


I wanted to extend my sincere thanks to you for the incredible and powerful presentation that you gave at the 2010 CAAR Convention.  Having lived in Saskatchewan since the mid-seventies, I have had the opportunity to see you at many events and have personally witnessed the change of a gangly, awkward youth with, as you would state yourself, a very bad mullet, to a man who can speak with conviction and power about overcoming adversity and truly making a difference in the world we live in.

My career allows me to hear from many motivational speakers, all of whom deliver a message that one can certainly garner a message or some type of self improvement from, but is has been a long time since I have had the privilege to not only be entertained but to hear from someone who bears no malice towards anyone, blames no one for their own personal situation but delivers a simple message of how anyone can truly make a difference in this life.

J. Ihme.
– Bayer Crop Science


Thank you so much for being the keynote speaker at our HRPLD Seminar in London.  You did a terrific job not only sharing your story but engaging us in laughter, empathy, appreciation, understanding and giving everyone several thoughts/messages to take back to not only their workplace but their lives.
Well done!

B. Smith


I’m writing on behalf of Paul Grace and the IoD Committee to thank  you very much for  speaking to the Herts I0D at Sopwell House in November.  I have had feedback from a number of people who told me how thought-provoking they found your talk – how could they not!  It was a great mix of humor, enthusiasm and showmanship (I refer to the amazing drum solo of course), but at the same time, let us see something of the difficult journey, both physical and mental, you had to become the exceptional individual you are today.  I’m sure you’ve been told many times what an inspiration you are, but I’ll be boring and say it again because it’s true.

M. Ohlendorf
-Institute of Directors, Herfordshire


You cannot imagine the overwhelming responses we received from our presentation.  Such words as “…the best program I have EVER heard” – “…one of the top 3 presentations in my career” – “…thank you for allowing me to hear Alvin Law and change my perspectives” – and on and on.  Many positive comments followed throughout the three day conference concerning your presentation.
I am sure you have heard this all before but I needed to say it to you, thank you for what you do and how you do it.  We are very pleased with our work with you.  You are a quality program with great meaning and very professional attention.
M. Armstrong, Washington Association of School Administrators


Thanks so much for your inspirational talk to our school last Friday.  There have been many positive comments from students and staff.  To have students still talking about it days later says it all – that’s when you know you have made a lasting impression!
H. Henderson, Stamford Collegiate


On behalf of the Goodwill Industries of Alberta it is my absolute pleasure to extend our deepest appreciation for your contribution as the “Guest Speaker” at our inaugural “Dreams to reality” gala.  The sincerity, professionalism and profound messages you brought to the event touched our guests deeply and captured the integrity of “Dreams to reality”.  Our guests wasted no time letting me know how much they enjoyed your presentation and the many personal conversations you engaged in throughout the night.
Y. Rasmussen, Goodwill Industries of Alberta


I just wanted to send you a short note to tell you how wonderful you were as a keynote speaker at the conference which was held in Toronto.  I have to admit that I have been going to the Million Dollar Round Table for many years, and have not heard a speaker like you, who motivated an audience to the degree that you did that evening.  To be born with no arms, and to maintain the attitude that you’ve done over the years, is absolutely remarkable.  You have certainly turned your handicap into an asset for you, and this message should be heard by all people throughout the world.
G. Sigurdson, Manulife Conference


Your presentation at our final banquet was the perfect climax to our Conference and blended completely with our theme “Challenge, Change and Collaboration”.  Our delegates were very vocal in their positive comments after you spoke.  All of us will have a distinct mental picture to recall in future days that “anything is possible with the right attitude”.  As a Committee, we especially appreciated the fact that you entered into the evening totally, and made yourself available for personal contact with the delegates.
Thank you again for helping us to meet our goal of sending our delegates back to their work with information and attitudes that would be highly functional and practical in their on-going daily duties.
B. Brunsdon,
Family and Community Support Services Association of Alberta


As standard protocol our delegates are asked to complete an evaluation on all the speakers, hotel accommodations etc.  The rating systems is between scores of 1 – 5.  I have NEVER seen so many positive evaluation forms returned directed at one speaker (yourself)!  Most delegates scored you as 5+++++!  This is very flattering both for the speakers and also for our working committee who organized the convention.
Thank you again for the wonderful, motivational presentation and for helping to make this year’s convention a raving success.
C. Nikiforuk, The Capital Care Health Group


The leadership of TELUS has been working very hard during the past two years to instill a positive “can do” attitude throughout the organization.  In just one short hour you demonstrated, in both words and action, how this can be achieved.  Your talk was truly inspiring.
Although we all have a story to tell and mountains to climb, you have the undeniable gift to tell your story in a way that inspires each of us to appreciate those challenges and perhaps more importantly, the people we are climbing with.  Your incredible ability to colorfully share your life allows us to see that almost anything is achievable and to respect the difference individually we can make in each others’ lives.
G. Petty, TELUS

Over the past fifteen years we have tried to host events for our clients that not only add value, but also promote the process of thought.
The response we have had to your presentation was beyond any that we have received in the past.  Each of us present were touched and impressed by you and your remarkable perseverance.
H. Hicks, Hicks Financial Solution

Your sense of humor, honesty and commitment has generated many thought processes to be activated in a positive manner.   Looking beyond the obvious and finding the real person takes time, patience and desire.  You made us want to do that.  Moreover, you have reinforced for all of us that there is really NO Such Word As Can’t.
S. Jenkins, HRDC ISP

The best education we can give our students is to provide them with the ability and attitude to be life–long learners capable of facing challenges.
Your humour, determination, and versatility will impact hese students for the rest of their lives.  As a community of educators and learners, we have been enriched by your message.
P. Peter, Massey-Vanier High School

I want to express my gratitude to you both for Alvin’s wonderful presentations here last week.  His presentation to our health care staff and residents/families was so well received.  People related both on a personal and professional level.  His presentation touched people in a way few speaers or presenters usually do.  I have received many phone calls, e-mails and personal messages thanking me for arranging for Alvin to be with us.  I though that you might be interested in some of the comments.
“Alvin is the best speaker I have ever heard, I felt so positive about his message that I closed our business office for an hour and asked my staff to go to his second presentation.”  Manager, Business Office “Thank you for arranging for Alvin to be with us.  He challenged me professionally to rethink each of the patients/residents that I work with and to examine my therapy and motivations.”

Physiotherapist, Rehab Department
M. Kaye, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Home

“I am confident your presentations motivated those in attendance to make the best of whatever situation they find themselves in. I know listening to you motivates me to be a better husband, father, son and police officer!!”
B. Penner, Saskatoon Crime Stoppers

“You are Amazing! Not because you can read a book on the airplane, or brush your hair, or even play the keyboard the way you did. But rather because of the message you gave everyone in the room on May 1. And, I am sure everyone took away something a little different. Once conference delegate / presenter who came from Utah wrote on her evaluation: “The whole trip was worth just having Alvin speak.””
K. Jones-Galley, Bloorview MamMillan Children’s Centre

“I would have been quite happy to have each of the Keynote speakers provoke the feelings and thoughts one of the words from our theme, Motivate. Inspire.Lead., to our delegates. You however, encompassed all of them. I appreciate the preparation and time you invested in the presentation made specifically for the AMM. It truly contributed to the success of the Convention.”
D. Belbin, Association of Manitoba Municipalities

“Your program was rated by our delegates at an outstanding 4.97 out of 5, placing you as one of our top ranked speakers for the conference. We were delighted that our overall rating on this conference was a 4.8. The time and effort you put into your presentation and into getting to know our attendees had a direct impact on the success we achieved.”
P. Goodberry-Dyck, HealthCare Service Excellence Association

“Mr. Law, you are truly fascinating speaker to witness and experience. You inspire with your boundless energy and passion for life and all it has to offer, and you intrigue us with your tried and true philosophies on human beings in general. Your message is effective and is one the vast majority of us will carry with us throughout life, thanks to the superior job you do in delivering it.”
M. Appleton, Lord Beaverbrook Senior High School
“Your candid depiction of your life was both heartwarming and inspiring. It was also a timely reminder to our staff of the value of each person as well as the importance of taking the time to see the potential in every child.”
K. McGee, Brunswick County Schools

“Your address entitled “Everybody Counts… Especially You” was both insightful and inspiring to all of the conference attendees. You contributed to this success by helping provide participants with the means to meet their professional and personal challenges and making them aware of the importance of believing in themselves.”
C. Lachapelle, Canada School of Public Service

“Your participation as a speaker created value for the more than 350 delegates who attended and contributed significantly to the overall success of the Conference. Your preparation and work to present and share valuable information with colleagues from across the country was appreciated.”
J. Fralick, Canadian Society of Safety Engineering

“We have hosted many different speakers at our school assemblies and, without doubt, Alvin was able to motivate, inspire, entertain and challenge every single student in both assemblies. He was able to relate to students of all ages. His ability to have the same effect on the over one hundred teachers and parents, was also evident. Alvin not only moved his audience, but also left them with a message that was repeated numerous times in the evaluations that were submitted. The balance between laughter and hushed silence was incredible!”
B. Yakichuk, Dr. Martin LeBoldus High School

“I must say that your presentation was one of, if not the best I have heard. In our industry as in others, we all have many opportunities to sit and listen to various types of motivational speakers. Some are very good and you leave the room with something and some you feel you have just wasted your time. Today, I definitely left the room knowing that I had just received an education from you in attitude, in overcoming adversity and in celebrating one’s life. I found at various moments your presentation to be filled with such emotion that I was close to tears and yet at other moments I was chuckling with laughter at an incident you recalled.”
R. Elliott, McKeough Supply Inc.

“Your presentation was the highlight of our meetings. You touched everyone in the room with your passion and drive. It was a very timely presentation, as we are currently undergoing major changes. There is no such word as can’t, has become a symbol for our staff.”

J. Phillips, All Weather Windows

“Your energy, passion and zest for life is phenomenal! You did an outstanding job of energizing and facilitating students and played a key role in the success of this year’s conference! Your Keynote address was both intriguing and inspiring. It had just the right balance of humor and hardcore-life-leadership lessons! It is moments at events like this year’s conference that leaders such as yourself step forward and show others just what the true meaning of passion is.”
R.Mayuk, SADD Alberta

“We are so grateful that you would take time from your busy schedule to come share your insights on our impact as speakers as well as your fabulous expertise in speaking delivery. Your grace and ease are readily apparent to anyone watching. Many have said how touched they were by your speech. Some said they couldn’t even stay afterwards as they were so moved, they needed some quiet time for themselves.”
G. Burton, Canadian Association of Professional Speakers

The topic was timely and you presented your experiences in the most admirable and innovative way that everyone could understand the power in serving others. I believe everyone was inspired and truly amazed by your wonderful presentation. Indeed, your kind presence at this occasion encourage us a lot and made us more confident in our struggle to engage and change lives in the communities that we live in.


Your speech was very well received and played an important role in motivating our members to take on challenges head on. Your talk was both enlightening and rousing.

They sat in rapt attention during his total presentation. They were moved as they listened to how he overcame his disabilities and hopefully influenced to think positively about their own life situations.

The audience responded to your enthusiastic, fast paced, humorous yet power packed presentation. We could have heard a pin drop as you pulled back the curtain to let us peek inside your life, your struggles, your learning along with your phenomenal achievements. But more importantly you encouraged the audience to tap into the same power available in their own lives

A speaker who can influence people’s lives, hearts and minds for the better

Effectively convey key message regarding value in the workplace as well as the need for

inclusion in a more diverse workforce

Presentation that will blend completely with your theme

Leave you with a distinct mental picture to recall in future days that “anything is possible with the right attitude”

His inspiration is unforgettable



“Help provide participants with the means to meet their professional and personal challenges and making them aware of the importance of believing in themselves.” Canada School of Public Service, June 2004

Meet the goal of sending your delegates back to their work with information and attitudes that would be highly functional and practical in their on-going daily issues.

Instill a positive “can do attitude” throughout the organization – in just one short hour it is demonstrated in both words and action how this can be achieved.

“Although we all have a story to tell and mountains to climb, you have the undeniable gift to tell your story in a way that inspires each of us to appreciate those challenges and perhaps more importantly, the people we are climbing with. Your incredible ability to colourfully share your life allows us to see that almost anything is achievable and to respect the difference individually we can make in each other’s lives.” Telus, March 10, 1998 George K. Petty President & CEO

Confront our current beliefs and attitudes and to see that here is always another perspective to an issue

A truly fascinating speaker to witness and experience. You inspire with our boundless energy and passion for life and all it has to offer, and you intrigue us with your tried and true philosophies on human beings in general. Your message is effective and is one the vast majority of us will carry throughout life, thanks to the superior job you do in delivering it. Personally, I was there for all three of your presentations, and nothing could have diverted my attention from you at any point during any of them. Samantha Leong & Mary Appleton – Calgary Board of Education, Lord Beaverbrook Senior High School

The recharge you need to carry on.

Offering insight and awareness on the importance of having a positive attitude.

Help the entire audience understand human compassion and spirit in helping each other no matter what differences there may be between people.

Your presentation was the highlight of our meetings. You touched everyone in the room with your passion and drive. It was a very timely presentation, as we are currently undergoing major changes. There is no such word as can’t, has become a symbol for our staff. Once again Alvin, thank you for helping me to present to our staff, and motivate them to achieve more from their lives. You captivate an audience better than any speaker I have seen does!

I would like to thank you for your outstanding contribution to this year’s Leadership Conference. Over 250 delegates attended the conference and walked away empowered, inspired and motivated! Your energy, passion and zest for life is phenomenal! You did an outstanding job of energizing and facilitating and played a key role in the success of this year’s conference! Your keynote address was both intriguing and inspiring. It had just the right balance of humor and hardcore-life-leadership lessons. It is moments at events like this year’s conference that leaders such as yourself step forward and show others just what the true meaning of passion is.

Our feeling as a planning committee was that our attendees needed a wrap up speaker who would send them home motivated to do even more. You certainly provided that opportunity.

He was absolutely fantastic! Our theme for the day was “overcoming challenges” and our group of staff members had just spent the afternoon doing a variety of activities to challenge themselves. Alvin spoke to us after dinner and his inspiring message of “There’s No Such Word As Can’t” stayed with us long after. He made us laugh, he made us choke up with tears, he made us question our own ideas on “ability” versus “disability”. In short, he was tremendous. I would strongly encourage anyone and everyone to hear Alvin Law; you will be moved by his message.

Alvin’s message that anything is possible with the right attitude was indeed very appropriate and worthwhile. I want you to know how much we appreciate your making Alvin available to us and how valuable we considered his energy, humor and contributions to be. Alvin put extra life and enrichment into our work environment.

Your sense of humour, honesty and commitment has generated many thought processes to be activated in a positive manner. Looking beyond the obvious and finding the real person takes time, patience and desire. You made us want to do that. Moreover, you have reinforced for all of us that there is really NO such word as can’t.

Again, thank you for your contribution to an excellent evening. A month later we are still hearing comments and accolades about the evening and particularly about your presentation. You certainly hit a responsive chord! On the fundraising side of the evening, we cleared just over $xx,xxx.00 after expenses. Well beyond our expectations for a first time event of this kind.

Over the past 15 years we have tried to host events for our clients that not only add value, but also promote the process of thought. The response we had to your presentation was beyond any that we have received in the past. Each of us present were touched and impressed by you and your remarkable perseverance.

Just back from attending talk by Alvin Law about “Rewriting your Story” as part of the Houston Development Series. Fabulous speaker.  Incredible passion.  Powerful messages.  His stories perfectly reinforce our company’s push to build a more inclusive workplace. Great messages as well about the importance of having a positive outlook on life (what Carolyn Dweck would describe as a “growth mindset”). His comments about being open to trying new things and not giving up also emphasize the value of our company’s focus on innovation.


Always inspiring and educational.   You bring to light all the things we have taken for granted during our daily lives.

Some would call your talk; a fresh breath of air, and some would say the light went on.    You so eloquently inspired me to be a better person, Thank you!!


I valued Alvin’s honesty and his willingness to be a part of the larger vision we had for our assembly. He really took the time to consider the message we had and fit it in to what he does already. Alvin was approachable and caring and we really enjoyed having him here.

Alvin is a genius. He is one of the most relatable speakers I have ever heard. When Alvin started to speak, he quickly became “one of us”. 

He made us laugh, he made us cry, he made us think. Most importantly Alvin helped us understand that we become what we pay attention to. 

I love this guy.


I attended the Community Future Conference in Kimberly last week, and have to say, I was not only inspired by your talk, but also blown away.  In the beginning of your talk, I tried to imagine how your drove, as well as how you accomplished other things in your daily life.  By the end of the talk, I no longer wondered, I just knew you could do it.  You are a true testimony that we can overcome anything.  Things in our path are not challenges, but obstacles that we have to deal with in our own way.  You’ve shown that what we call normal is not normal.  Normal is what we as individuals do in our daily life.  What’s normal to you, is not necessarily normal to me and vice versa.  Thank for being at our conference, you are an eye opener.  Your challenge comes with not having arms, mine comes with having arms.  You’ve shown me that nothing should get in our way.  Do it the way you need to do it, not the way everyone else does it.  


Thank you so much for your heart and sharing your story with this new generation of hair stylists, I loved seeing the impact you had on the future professionals I was with, you were a topic of discussion for days after we got back…I found you to be the true embodiment of a “can do” spirit and walked away reminded that any of us can do anything we truly set our mind to… I wanted to share one more thing…I had spoken to my wife and kind of gave her the run down of (Geno, Lizzie, Kathy, Marie, Eden, Winn,- the other speakers) and of course your presentations then a few nights ago I was watching a video of you on YouTube when she came in wondering what I was watching…I told her I was watching Alvin one of the speakers from Caper..she watched it for a minute and said “really? how did you manage to leave out that he didn’t have arms when you were telling me about him”….my response “I guess that wasn’t what stuck out as important to me” …Alvin thank you for being so much more for me than “the guy with no arms”…I look forward to meeting you in person and following your story for years to come…take care


He was very inspiring
       Very worthwhile
       Simple talk from an amazing person who used attitude to positive outcome
       Not only an amazing speaker, but an amazing man…I can’t wait to share his book with my staff.
       What an inspiration Alvin Law is. What an incredible story and incredible person. I was in awe of his drum and piano playing.

One of the best speakers I have heard at the Market.
       View the video afterwards so we can show our staff.
       He was amazing.

Alvin’s presentation made me feel uncomfortable, proud, sad, happy, and embarrassed. Anytime someone can connect with you on an emotional level to this degree the results will be long lasting.  Truly a remarkable story and one that gives me a lift with the “trials and tribulations” that at times seem insurmountable, perspective is a wonderful thing, thanks for allowing Alvin to sharpen mine.
       He was excellent

Mr. Law was absolutely amazing. He knows how to grab an audience and hold them. His stories are not only inspirational but also can easily be translated to every facet of life (business and personal).        Please keep bringing in speakers of his caliber.
Again, it was a pleasure working with you. You have been one of our most popular speakers by far – the connection you made with our audience was incredible.

“Alvin did an exceptional job opening the Fraser Valley Economic Summit.  He was entertaining, inspiring, and made his message relevant to the theme of the day.  The delegates loved him, and the organizing committee was thrilled with what he brought to the event.  I can’t imagine anyone who would have done a better job opening our event and setting the tone for the day!”


You did a fantastic job today because you articulated and shared a life philosophy and understanding I too share and live by.

It was good for my co-workers to hear – that fundamentally WE are the creators in our lives and we have the power to determine how challenges affect us. So magnificently powerful and simple! 

Thank you for sharing yourself with the world, Alvin – we need more people like you J


Today, I was your Sign Language Interpreter.  I want you to know that the experience of meeting you will forever be with me. All the children at South, including the deaf children, are so lucky to have had you on that stage today! This not being a high profile gig, I just want to ensure you it was worth every moment you spoke! I am fascinated by your perspective of life.
Thank you, also, for including sign language and our deaf population in your presentation, as a “deaf can” attitude is so important.  Your attitude and perspective reached many!  
I cannot tell you how grateful I am! As you said, gratitude goes a long way and so here is yours! 

Breat choice, integrated well to the industry & conference theme

Beyond fantastic

A game changer

The only handicap is your mind

Awesome, inspiring, appropriate (start to the Conference, fitting with the theme) 

Wonderful! whoever referred Alvin should be knighted

All comments were the nature of “excellent”, “inspirational”, “fantastic”, “great start” “amazing” but I won’t list every single one. I can’t say thank you enough for a presentation that got us off to a rousing start, that motivated and inspired everyone, and fueled the fire for a “Limitless!” Conference. You have no idea how happy we were, and are, to have made the decision to make a change in the Opening Speaker and engage you with just weeks to go before the Conference began.

I wanted to thank you for the excellent presentation at the Husky Safety Summit.

Your story and open presence on the stage was inspirational in many ways. As a Safety hand for 30 years, it is very refreshing to see a presentation that was able to hit home with all in attendance.

To hear the story of Alvin Law is life changing. He is authentic in sharing the truth of a journey. His presentation encouraged and inspired us to overcome the difficulties and challenges that we all face in life. His story is riveting and well balanced by his infectious sense of humor.  We would highly recommend Alvin for a keynote address. His words will move you.


I have had the pleasure and privilege of hearing you many times over the years in Wetaskiwin schools and various other venues.  Your inspirational message and the open and honest way you share your life’s journey, has been and continues to be such an incredible gift to those who are lucky enough to hear it. From the first time I heard you many years ago, I said then, it was the GREATEST presentation I had ever heard.  From the bottom of my heart, it continues to be the greatest presentation I have ever heard.  Unlike athletes of our vintage, you seem to defy logic and keep getting stronger and better!!!
Thank you for this blessing and for the shining example you continue to provide us with; in taking on life and the challenges we all face with courage, grace,  and a lot more love. I am convinced you are Canada’s greatest export to the world my friend.


I really don’t know how to describe what happened, but it was amazing.  I’ve been battling this stupid pain for over a year, getting depressed from not doing what I used to… severely depressed.  Wow, something click with me yesterday, during and after you spoke – and I have a whole new outlook on my situation.  I haven’t felt this positive in a long time – thank you for flipping my switch.  More people need to hear you.  You have no idea what you have done for me, but I wanted to say thanks.


Very powerful and engaging speaker and an incredible example of how an individual can personally overcome challenges to succeed in life.  Anecdotes about his family and the way they handled the speaker’s situation, which was all new to them, illustrated how they too used their own strength to help him succeed in life.  So it’s not just about the power we possess to help ourselves, it’s about how that power can help others.

·   Very moving and entertaining. I felt truly inspired after Alvin’s presentation.

·   He was very impressive.  I enjoyed his presence, his way of expressing himself.  Very powerful and touching.

·   Obviously the highlight of the two days. Lots of energy and a unique personality.     

·  Al-Vin! Al-Vin! Al-Vin!  Superb! An extremely interesting and engaging speaking who has led a very interesting, multifaceted, and rich life.  Although I have not faced his challenges, nor possess his talents, there was so much that he said, that he experienced that I could relate to. A very fitting closer for a great event!

·   Very powerful. Liked that he let through his negative feelings too as it was a more authentic presentation.

·   I’ve had the pleasure of hearing Alvin Law speak 4 times now, and he always delivers a fun, charismatic performance on stage.

·   An awesome, inspiring, thought-provoking speaker

·   Seen him a few times before and think he’s a great speaker.

·   A great speaker to end on, very captivating and very inspirational.

·   Great delivery, definitely something that stood out and made an impression

·   He was the only speaker who spoke of diversity without losing sight of the fact that we are all a lot more alike than we are different.

·   WOW, I am still digesting his message. Very powerful.

·   All disabilities exist principally in the mind – they are a matter of perception more than anything else – limitations on your life are self set.

·   The key thing that hit home to me was the comments that he made that we are the government, we make the policy for the country this motivated me to do the best I can personally and maybe affect others and maybe the chain effect can make major change with the country!

Thank you again for your time and efforts.  I know how hard you work to get it right and am very thankful.  It was absolutely amazing.  Your perspective on humanity is thoughtful, heartfelt and genuine.  Your message was exactly what we were looking for and I thank you for taking the time to learn about our mission. 

…. To Be Continued …..


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Alvin Law

Award Winning Professional Speaker, Author, Actor & Musician. Two Time Hall Of Fame Inductee.Â