New Website…Renewed Focus!

We are so excited to introduce our new website. There really wasn’t anything “wrong” with the old one except it was…old! I’m not old, although 55th birthday approaching, but in December 2014, a “young” man pointed out you couldn’t access on mobile devices and apparently, they are the tool of choice for the majority of websurfers these days. So that’s how it started. We hired Tracy Bradly, who we met at our December CAPS Convention in Toronto to be our researcher and writer, connected her with our nephew, Chad Reitsma, who has been our webmaster for a long while, plugged in some brand new Master Photography by my pal and photographer from Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Mitch Hippsley at “Photography By Mitch” and some brand new video on the way soon from Lewis Levin at L&L Productions in Calgary and poof! Magic!

I also need to thank my wife, business partner and yes, soulmate, for her relentless attention to this project. It truly is amazing how much work is involved, all the while the usual business of running the business still exists. You may know this, but Darlene’s intuition is a true gift and she can see something that doesn’t exist better than most people I know so her contribution to this “new Baby” is almost akin to motherhood itself. She has also played a huge role in reshaping the direction of my work, which is also very tough. It’s almost ironic.

People love to reminisce on hearing “Alvin Law”, sometimes as long ago as the early 1980’s. They love to tell me how they will “never forget” me playing the drums or piano, or both and how my program changed their life. That is a lot to take in, yet completely appreciated. I love to tell my story, and considering I have made my living at it since 1988, I am apparently pretty good at it. The problem.. is, I also try to be humble. It is a fine line between promoting yourself and staying yourself! Plus, I am going to be 55 years old and apparently, have gained some wisdom. The smartest thing Darlene and did by far was hire Tracy. All of this new material is on her and Darlene as well. Countless Skype calls to refine the direction but they did it, not me. My favourite new feature is the case study. My dear friend and speaker extraordinaire, Paul Bridle gave unselfishly and honestly to explain why I am more than just “a guy with no arms!” His truth and eloquence about his company in the United Kingdom and my contribution to the culture of their group touched me beyond words, and that’s not easy.

You see, I have “never” been in this for “me”! I have always done this for the people I hope to help. When someone has liberated you from the chains that can literally “cripple” you, Gratitude is the primary response. I am so Grateful for my parents, my teachers, my hometown of Yorkton, my education at Mount Royal College, now Mount Royal University, in Calgary and a lifetime of experiences that I can share with every group I speak to. I am also extremely grateful for my speaking community at the Canadian Asssociation of Professional Speakers (CAPS), National Speakers Association (NSA), Global Speakers Federation (GSF) and my colleagues in the CAPS Hall of Fame!

All of these elements have changed my life forever. But nobody has had the impact of my wife Darlene, both personally and professionally. I get all the credit and she never seeks it but is deserving nonetheless. I will be committed to serving our clients better than ever before and fulfilling all of the descriptions as I battle for the “Attitude Revolution” I am such a believer in.

Stay Tuned!