Tag: Gratitude.

Truly Thankful?

Truly Thankful? Alvin and Darlene Law

i have to admit, with Canadian Thanksgiving approaching, this subject was so predictable it just seemed  too obvious to blog about it, but a personal experience yesterday changed my mind for me. I was invited to speak to the students of the Alberta Children’s Hospital school in Calgary. It wasn’t my first time, but it […]

Yes I Can!

Yes I Can!

Those of you who know me in any capacity probably know that I play the drums. Those of you who are my actual friends know that I was involved in what I called “My Secret British Mission” and on my social media, I also called it “The Magical Mystery Tour!” as I posted several photos […]

Be A Giver…Not A Taker

This blog is going to sound self-serving and I want to begin by stating, today that is not my intention, never is. I am a professional speaker who has always had a goal to better society, not brag about how amazing I am. Today, I am basking in a human glow. My wife and business […]