Work/Life Balance…The Idea Still Applies

imageThis is going to be a very short blog and not too crafty! Do you remember when the subject of work/life balance was everywhere? Speakers talked about it. Authors wrote books about it. Some people rolled their eyes at it! My wife and business partner, Darlene, and I are away for a short vacation. By the way, it’s not skiing in the Rockies. I used to ski but Darlene made me quit since if I hurt my legs, she’d have to get a real job! Seriously, we are somewhere sunny and warm and far away from Canada. I am really not as hard a worker as Darlene and being self-employed, we must do a daily check on emails, etc., but we make a rule that it’s first thing in the morning, maximum 30 minutes then no business for the rest of the day. I know this sounds like a “duh” post, but it amazes me to see so many people in what we call “Paradise” still on their devices! Seriously?

I know I have ranted about this before and some think I’m anti-technology. Let’s be clear..I Am Not! I’m pro”Conciousness”! Some people call it “Living in the moment”. Whatever “it” is called, ask yourself a serious question. When you are away from whatever you call your “work”, can you shut it off? Can you sit device free for hours at a time and not feel the “itch” to check your device? Do you honestly believe you maybe “missing” something? These are not questions judging your character, they are questions designed to make you “look” at what is truly matters. I believe it is the most important part of an “unconnected” life because “life” should be the focus. Your life! Aloha!


  • Waiting for a Seabus in Vancouver last week, out of 18 people waiting, ALL 18 were plugged into their device or texting. All of them. No exceptions aside from myself. Don’t own a ‘smart’ phone as think that name is a misnomer as folks now use apps to do the thinking for them. Saw some tourists looking lost last summer and they wanted to know where Granville Street was. I merely told them to look away from their phones, look up to the nearest street post – guess what? The sign said, Granville Street. I left shaking my head. Folks are losing their own inner thinking time and erasing their creative mind for a device which is controlling their every move and thought. My online time is only with my laptop. My outside time is my life to be aware, fully aware of the day.

  • I am fully aware that my work- life balance is screwed up and I’m trying to change it. I choose when I access my device and I have on occasion ‘escaped’ into the mindlessness of a silly game on my phone where that might be some of my precious time away from work. So, while I agree that we need to recognize that a device can seriously impact or skew your work-life balance, I do not think it’s fair to say that a device carte blanche is to blame. As with all things, a device needs boundaries surrounding its usage just as you suggest Alvin. If I could figure out how to mute the other demands from work on my time, I would be that much closer to achieving a balance.

    • Thanks for this reply. I want to stress that the “ideal” work/life balance is personal. Some people love working all the time, and that’s fine. Balance to me is about being “at peace” with your choice, which again is personal. My point about devices is how they are “designed to distract”. Unlesss your device is tied directly to your work, try just “putting it away”. With great respect to you and others, how important is the information in that device, really? The latest Facebook post is part of our new life, but vital to our survival…just saying!


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